Barton Place Condos July 2024
Zoysia grass has been thriving despite this intense heat we’ve been having this summer. Of course the above average rainfall has certainly helped us in this regard. After fertilizing we have noticed some older perennials really pop!
On the flip side we have caught wind of a serious issue with certain Rose bushes on the property… Rosette Disease ( We’ve taken proper precautions in removing infected plants and applying an insecticide to the other plants on the property to ensure the mites don’t simply migrate and spread the disease further.
The garden is certainly feeling this Central Texas heat… I can relate. I have enjoyed seeing resident participate in harvesting from the herb garden as well as those who have plots really take ownership of their space.
The grafts have taken well on the citrus and Persimmon tree, the fig is setting fruit as we speak, the grapes have nearly reached the top of the pergola, and there are plenty of herbs to harvest from in the perimeter garden. I’d be happy collaborate with the garden committee and set up a weeding workshop to help assist in cleaning up the beds, as I have noticed this is putting some pressure on the herb garden. Another option is to spray 30% vinegar mixed with orange oil, although one must be precise with this application as it can be very powerful in the heat of the summer! We have also been in talks about developing a map to help residents locate perennial herbs! Although we will likely do an additional planting soon to help ensure we have the area established and stabilized.
I think everyone is doing a great job in their plots. For those looking for seasonal guidance, here are some resources for tasks that can benefit your space this month:
In a Nutshell
Of course we always have to reiterate… Gaia’s is ecstatic to be working with Barton Place! We have truly enjoyed getting to know the board, the community, and the landscape. I encourage any and all feedback regarding quality of service, opportunities for improvement, or anything of the sorts. Feel free to bring your ideas to the Landscape/Garden Commitee, or of course you can simply give us a holler while we’re on site!